Monday, June 1, 2020

Olaf's Compilation of Photographs is out!

My Photographic compilation is ready!  Thanks to Dr. Jeff Rapp and Karen DeBaun for encouraging me to put a compilation together of my 30 years of photographs, it was like hearding cats, reviewing 400,000 shots this winter but I selected 100 pages of them and put them together is an attractive book, writing a little blurb about the 50 places in the world I included that seemed to have bits and pieces of "Paradise" in them and included a little thought of what other have thought about these places.

I didn't include Iowa, because Kinsella already wrote "Is this heaven? No, it is just Iowa."  I've previously based Nirvana stories in Kansas in my novel "The Enumerator," California and Oklahoma in "Curse of Panther Creek" so having written 90,000 words, I think I covered those locations and I had to draw the line somewhere.

I looked at very good photos from diverse places like Argentina, Ibiza, Mexico, England, Germany, Trinidad,  Bermuda, and many many locations in the US etc and I just didn't feel it, had a bad vibe, or I just said "no,"  and didn't include them.

So if you want to support this, $20.00 for a copy

drop me an email and I can give you details of getting one and you too, can own a piece of Olaf

Here is the description on the book:

The search for paradise takes you on a worldwide photographic tour with author, adventurer, outdoor enthusiast, and birder Olaf Danielson as he searches for idyllic settings and Eden. 

Often traveling to the place less traveled and the place less clothed, Olaf looks at the concepts of paradise through the vision of others as well as his Nikon camera.  Unlike many, Olaf actually found paradise, however temporary, on an island of St. Martin before it was destroyed by Hurricane Irma in 2017.  He tries valiantly to find a new and better place.  Olaf and various members of his family travel from South Africa to the Brooks Range of Alaska, and to even the most isolated human settlement on earth—Tristan da Cunha.  Along the many journeys and millions of miles of travel (over 350,000 miles in 2016 alone), he ponders questions like:  what  really is paradise?  Is it something even attainable?  How many societies of the past found Eden and now the location is lost?  Is there a light out there signaling us to these shores of bliss?

A sample of the many birds, landscapes, butterflies and interesting things that my lens has found

King Penquin, South Georgia Island


A Talayot, Menorca Spain

Collared aracari, Costa Rica

Corsican Wall Brown, Corsica, France

Gunsight Pass, Glacier National Park, Montana

I only wish I could paint some of these scenes.



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